I regularly scan the web for more Drupal modules that add functionality that I might need.
This is my most recent crop. I include it here so that I don't forget it, and I add what I hope the module will achieve
for all sites
asset_injector => cut down on css file sizes by adding node-specific css if it's used only there, let's see if it conflicts with my css library overrides
block_class => add a class to a block, yay !
responsive_menu => says it adds blocks with responsive menu functionality. I already got "sidr" as a responsive sideslide menu, maybe this one is an alternative
bg_image_formatter => the module is promising, but currently a conflict with bigpipe prevents it from working
for advanced sites
total_control => a nice dashboard for the admin, not very interesting for static sites though
visitors => it won't hurt to have some site-internal stats on most visited pages
better_search => styling the search block was always a bit of PITA, maybe this module makes it easier
glossify => automatically add links to words. yay! finally a replacement of D8wordlink
for complex sites with user-generated content, maps, subscriptions
multiple_registration => give users the option to register for different roles with different data inputs. yay!
role_expire => yay! a module to manage subscriptions!
leaflet => display stuff on a map. yay!
crop, image_widget_crop, focal_point => advanced crop features, including allowing users to crop an avatar, yay!
ajax_comments => add comments in an Ajax window
potentially fluff
image_effects => fluff, but maybe nice to have
paragraphs_browser => not sure if this adds anything I need
recaptcha_v3 => an additional way to cut down spam, currently antibot and honeypot are doing a good enough job
svg_image => accept SVG images in image fields... not sure about this one, because my image fields already say they accept SVG. hmm.
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